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Some items are hidden and you have to remember to scroll right. Hard to see numbers when submitting credit cards. Pleased w everything else. It's a huge platform w tricky Navigation, pretty happy overall
Who is this app written to help? You still need to sum up the orders outside of the app. And if you are forced to to use this app as well, it means double the work.
Doesn't update totals. I know I had people put in online orders, yet every time I login, it shows it last updated 3 days ago.
Not great user experience or stability
Doesn't work on my daughter's Moto G Power. Really holding back her cookie sales and she's only on day 3
Haven't gotten passed where they settings symbol is spinning & has my daughter's name. I don't know what's wrong with this app or it may be my phone. But don't know if my troop has a different app in mind I could use instead
This app works great for my troop! However, when it kicks you out at cookie booth with a line of people, it can get very annoying. I have been in girl scouts for 8 years now. This app revolutionizes cookie sales.
Does Not work on Android Based platforms, downloaded to use in upcoming GS Cookie Sales, only to find out that it doesn't work... now having to look for an Apple product that will work....
Great for tracking cookie orders and logging things on the fly